Sex Rules

Sex Rules is an interactive, engaging, multimedia campus educational experience. It presents a fresh, new outlook and approach to this age-old conversation. With a trauma-informed and highly empowering message inspired by the creator’s own experiences as a sexual assault survivor, students learn the basics behind healthy relationships and intimate interactions. Beyond that, they have a more contextualized understanding of how pervasive dangerous messaging is throughout our culture, and are encouraged to be advocates for themselves and others in their community. And, most importantly, they learn active and tangible ways to improve our culture and their lives moving forward. The program uses inclusive terminology and thwarts binary, heteronormative perspectives. Instead, it emphasizes empathy and our shared humanity through whole-person, healing-oriented messaging.

Briana Hansen
Image of Sex Rules
Program Name Level of Evidence Format Target Audience Special Features
Sex Rules
  • In-person Workshop
  • Undergraduate students
Multimedia, comedic, and interactive elements, customizable depending on campus culture and specific needs, LGBTQIA+ friendly
Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Gain a better sense of self, intimacy, sexuality, and how to create and respect healthy boundaries
  • Learn the definitions and variations of consent, toxic masculinity, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, coercion, sexual assault, and rape
  • Understand the importance and context of of active, clear, ongoing consent and its relationship to substance use
  • Gain an understanding of the culture around gender expectations and the relationship to self and sexual expression
  • Get perspective on problematic and dangerous messaging throughout our culture
  • Increase empathy through learning the neurobiology of a traumatic event, and how it can affect both the reporting and healing process for survivors
  • Learn active and safe bystander intervention tactics
  • Understand the nuances and personalization of the healing process for both trauma survivors and for people who have made mistakes in the past
  • Gain awareness of campus, local, and national resources available for survivors, along with methods to advocate for culture change

Note: Sex Rules is highly customizable with three basic programs — a sex-positive standard version for college students, a contraception-free version that focuses on intimacy, and a military version.

A highly-trained and passionate speaker establishes rapport, tone, and trust while setting up the general program expectations on both ends. The program is then structured as specific “Sex Rules,” that start at simple and culminate in more nuanced and complicated (but still digestible) topics. Interaction, discussion, and audience participation elements are strategically used along with carefully calculated moments of levity to maintain engagement.

The program is made to feel like a hybrid between an educational lecture and a motivational speech, with a little hint of interactive comedy sprinkled on top.


One time presentation lasting between 60-75 minutes


One speaker travels to campus for the program. Basic visual and sound projecting needs are required. Preferred audience size ranges from 50-300 people, but can accommodate more when necessary.

Population Served

Undergraduate students, graduate students, Greek Life, Athletes, Residence Assistants, Higher Ed administrators, High school students, Military

Theoretical Basis For Approach

Multiple studies and available public trainings have been synthesized along with psychological and somatic healing modality approaches for maximum impact. Some of the biggest research chunks are from various Title IX trainings, OVC TTAC SAACT trainings, the DOJ OVW definitions, findings, and approaches, The Office of Violence Prevention's strategic plan for August 2020-2024, incorporation of both Title IX and VAWA Campus SaVE expectations, Joyful Heart Foundation's approach to 'Defining Manhood,' standard Bystander Intervention training, and weaving in the neurobiology of what actually happens in a traumatic event -- with a focus on sexual trauma.

Program Effectiveness

Student and administrator feedback from the program has been enthusiastic and incredibly positive. General feedback is that students feel more equipped to handle complicated interactions in the future, and enjoy the conversational, contextual, and entertaining nature of the program. Administration and faculty are generally impressed at how much information is packaged into the time frame, how difficult topics are broken down to be both manageable and memorable, and how actively engaged the students are throughout. Survivors feel seen, supported, and have a better understanding of healthy ways to move forward.


Sex Rules has been hosted by a number of institutions, including:

  • Indiana Tech Fort Wayne
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
  • Augustana University
  • Bradley University
  • Siena Heights University
  • Stockton University
  • Lake Forest College
  • University of La Verne
  • Carthage College
  • The United States Air National Guard

Conversations about consent and sexuality are nuanced, and so should your approach to having them. Because of the customizable elements of the program, the message can be tailored to meet your campus-specific needs. Typically, the speaker is a wxmen-identifying person who has experienced sexual assault, so survivors see first-hand a path for healing. And thanks to the memorable name along with unforgettable takeaways (both physical and mental), it’s an experience that your students will remember for a long time after.


Visit the program’s page,, to set up a call for more information on availability and pricing. Or email the creator directly at


Krebs, C.P., Lindquist, C., Warner, T.D., Fisher, B.S., & Martin, S.L. (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study.

Cefalu, M., Farris, C.A., & Morral, A.R. (2021). The Relationship Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Findings from the RAND Military Workplace Study.

OVC TTAC Sexual Assault Advocate and Service Provider Training Curriculum: