Dimensions Learning is a comprehensive, innovative sexual assault and sexual education program for college and university students. The program is driven by the belief that to reduce campus sexual assault, students need an educational program that is relatable, useful, and transformative.
Program Name | Level of Evidence | Format | Target Audience | Special Features |
Dimensions Learning
Emerging |
Dimensions Learning offers sixteen lesson plans that are each accompanied by a custom video to help engage students on relevant topics. Some of the lessons can standalone as a one-off workshop, and others are strung together through storylines in the videos. The lesson plans can be delivered through in-person workshops, an online platform, or a mix of the two. Dimensions Learning staff provides technical assistance to support your institution in implementing the content, including coaching and consulting for facilitators.
The workshop is customizable and can last from 2 to 16 hours, depending on how many lessons are selected. Your institution decides the timing and dosage of the lessons.
Undergraduate students, though it can be adapted to different audiences
The program uses a social norms approach and also relies on bystander intervention theory. The program authors relied on best practice strategies as identified by the CDC and other expert organizations.
Dimensions Learning is developing evaluation research through focus groups and studies.
N/A - still in pilot testing phase.
The adaptable nature of this program can be a great benefit: the same material can be offered to different audiences with custom content and differentiated delivery methods. The recently made videos that come with the program are high-quality, featuring realistic narratives from a diverse group of undergraduate students.
Contact Director of Client Development at leeann@dimensionslearning.com, or visit their website. Pricing and customization information can be shown through a demo.