Callisto Vault

Callisto is a national nonprofit that leverages cutting-edge technology to empower survivors of sexual assault, provide a safe alternative to reporting, and increase the likelihood that serial perpetrators will be held accountable. Our encrypted platform,

Image of Callisto Vault
Program Name Level of Evidence Format Target Audience Special Features
Callisto Vault
  • Online Course
  • Undergraduate students
  • Faculty and staff
  • Graduate Students

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Population Served

Anyone with an active .edu email address at a college or university in the United States and its territories.

Theoretical Basis For Approach
  • Foubert et al. (2020) found that more than 87% of alcohol-involved sexual assault incidents were committed by serial perpetrators, who committed an average of at least five incidents each.
  • Swartout et al. (2015) found across samples that 10.8% of participants reported having perpetrated at least 1 rape from 14 years of age through the end of college.
  • McWhorter et al. (2009) found that 13 percent of participants engaged in actions that met the definition of attempted or completed rape. Of that 13%, 71 percent engaged in more than one attempted rape with an average rate of almost 6.5 incidents.
Program Effectiveness
  • 15% of submitted matching entries during our two year pilot resulted in a match.
  • 74% of users self-identified as part of one or more marginalized populations.
  • Callisto Vault has detected matches involving survivors from different campuses and incidents involving more than two survivors.
  • Free, trauma-informed resource available to students, faculty, and staff
  • Connecting survivors of serial perpetrators can strengthen formal reporting outcomes
  • Callisto can offer support to survivors whose perpetrator is not campus affiliated
  • Survivors who have pursued formal reporting can still enter into Matching
  • Our Legal Options Counselors will support survivors’ exploration of all their options including reporting to Title IX and police
  • Our encryption technology protects the data & identities of both survivor and identified perpetrator
  • Addressing the issue of serial perpetration reduces harm and makes campuses safer
  • Callisto Vault is a third-party tool that does not report to Title IX or police


  • Foubert, J. D., Clark-Taylor, A., & Wall, A. F. (2020). Is Campus Rape Primarily a Serial or One-Time Problem? Evidence From a Multicampus Study. Violence Against Women, 26(3–4), 296–311.
  • Swartout KM, Koss MP, White JW, Thompson MP, Abbey A, Bellis AL. (2015). Trajectory Analysis of the Campus Serial Rapist Assumption. JAMA Pediatr. 2015;169(12):1148–1154. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.0707
  • McWhorter, S. K., Stander, V. A., Merrill, L. L., Thomsen, C. J., & Milner, J. S. (2009). Reports of rape reperpetration by newly enlisted male navy personnel. Violence and Victims, 24(2), 204-218.